Lawyer Hattingen

Lawyer Hattingen is a small, medium-sized law firm that offers family and divorce legal services. They have an excellent track record with quick and secure solutions. They provide consultations in person, but can also be contacted by telephone and e-mail. They offer notary services as well, including drafting and filing of marriage contracts, inheritance declarations and other official documents. They are a member of the Westfalische Notarkammer and the Bundesnotarkammer.

Ute Schniering is a highly qualified and dedicated divorce lawyer in Essen. She is committed to helping clients through the difficult period after a separation. She is also a skilled family law attorney, able to help with issues such as custody, visitation rights and property division. She is a member of the German Association for Family Law and can communicate in several languages.

Karl Ludwig Wilhelm Luetcke, known as Carl von Luetcke (1867 – 1924), was a German chemist and botanist who specialised in ferns and liverworts. He studied medicine and chemistry at Heidelberg, Berlin and Strasbourg. He was a private lecturer in Erlangen and later worked as a physiological chemist at the Hygenic Institute of the University of Berlin.

He travelled extensively, visiting Yugoslavia, France and Italy. In addition to his work as a plant scientist, he was also an artist. His watercolours and woodcuts, which often contained up to six separate hand-pulled blocks, were renowned for their fine quality.

During the “Julich-Klevischen Erbfolgestreit” (war of the Julich and Kleve succession) Hattingen, Blankenstein and Stiepel are occupied by Spanish troops. The city is fortified with stone walls and defensive towers. Five city gates are built. The city gains the privilege of holding three fairs a year.

The industrial heritage of the region is protected. The steel industry is declining and many of the factories are closed. The city becomes part of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft der historischen Stadtkerne in Nordrhein-Westfalen” and of the “Westfalischer Hansebund” (new Westphalian Hanseatic League), which wants to revive medieval Hanseatic traditions.

The first air raid sirens sound at 11:05 am. Until the end of the war, 1292 times the citizens are warned about possible attacks. 174 civilians die in Hattingen and Blankenstein during the war. The popular Industrial-Museum Henrichshutte is opened. It reminds visitors of the city’s rich history of metal work. The city is included in the community of historic cities of North Rhine-Westphalia. Anwalt Hattingen

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