Every household in the United Kingdom has a central heating boiler in their houses. But anyone of you has ever thought how does a central heating boiler work. Today I am going to explain how exactly the central heating system (boiler) works.
The water stored in the vessel when heated to a desired temperature level by burning natural gases, coal and wood pellets can be defined as a boiler. The steam produced by the boiler when heated is piped to a spot which can be is utilized for different purposes such has running the production units, sanitizing some area, sterilizing equipments, to warm up the surroundings, to heat up the water, and many more.
Burner is a heart of the boiler which converters water to steam. This burner is heated by supplying fuels into it. Generally the steam needed to heat your houses, buildings, hospital, office and other places where heat is required is created by the fuel that is burned and supplied to the boiler from the burner. The burner can be heated by using different fuels like natural gas, coal or wood pellets. If you’re using natural gases, then the natural gases are released into the burner through a special pipe which heats the burners. If you’re using any oil to heat the burner the then the oil is supplied to them which pressurizes and heats the burners. When it comes to wood pellets, the woods are burned using some fuel which helps to heat the burners.
After the burners are heated up using the required fuels, then the gases or the fire from the burners are directly released on the boiler to heat up the water. The water can be boiled in the boiler depending on the two types of boilers used in the market.
There are generally two types of boilers which use their own principles to produce heat.
• Firetube Boilers
• Watertube Boilers
Firetube Boilers: Firetube boilers are also know as shell boilers. These boilers are the most commonly used boilers in the market. In the firetube or shell boilers the water is surrounded by the water. The water which surrounds the shell or firetube is heated by sending the hot gases or fire which is produced by the burner through the shell or firetube. The hot gases or fires are allowed four times through the tubes in the boiler before letting the out of the boilers. These tubes are generally set at the banks of the boilers. The firetube boiler systems can release up to 25,000lbs or 750hp of steam per hour. About 80% of the boilers that are in use today belong to this particular category.
Watertube Boilers: In the Watertube Boilers the tubes are arranged vertically in the shell. Then the water is filled in the shell which is heated by sending the hot fuel or hot gases through the tubes. Generally Watertube boilers are built in rectangular shape with two or three drums. The drums are arranged at the top and bottom, where top drum is used to separate water and steam and the bottom drum is used to collect he sludge. Watertube boilers are usually utilized when more than 750hp of steam per hour is required.
The temperature generally rises up to 212 degree Fahrenheit when the fuels or hot gases released into the boiler from the burner which heats up the water. At this temperature the water converted to the steam. The steam generated is then circulated throughout the building or home using radiators, vents and pipes, specifically created for heat transferring.
To overcome the problems like overheat of the boilers, some of the heat is retained in the boiler to keeping the building or home warm needs. Since more steam is produced as the temperature increases, it is essential to check the boiler and ensure that excess pressure is not built. To check the pressure build up, run your boiler for short durations of time. Furthermore, they have to be maintained regularly to keep them in optimum working condition. emergency plumbers near me